- Compact stainless steel housing for installation on DIN rail, with display and keyboard, vibration-resistant, protected to IP20, screw terminals at bottom.
- Split-mount design consisting of stainless steel blackbox installed on DIN rail and separate stainless steel operator unit for installation in door of switch cabinet, protection of blackbox IP20, protection of fascia plate of operator unit IP69K.
Electrical Connection
- Voltage suply 12–30 V DC.
- Power consumption 17 VA.
SysTec IT2000M, Weighing Indicator for Conveyor Belt Scale
The Industrial Weighing Terminal
- IT2000M BELT captures continuously the quantity of bulk material conveyed over a beltweigher for both, batching and receiving operations.
- IT2000M BELT enables interfacing to a beltweigher structure with one or several analog force transducers. The weighing terminal is suitable for harsh environment weighing locations. The A/D converter provides fast update rates together with excellent weighing performance and high immunity against electromagnetic interference.
- IT2000M BELT operates as stand-alone unit or in combination with a PLC or SCADA system. It can be configured for the simple capturing of quantities, but also for complex batching applications with preset target and adjustable preact correction.
- IT2000M BELT provides a configurable interface for a pulse wheel to capture the belt speed. Sensors with PNP, NPN or NAMUR output can be connected. As option, operation without sensor is also possible.
- IT2000M BELT has three counters, e.g. for captured quantity, shift total and total quantity. Two counters can be reset by the operator, the total quantity only by service.
- IT2000M BELT can be connected to a PLC via the optional analog output, Ethernet/IP, Profibus DP, Profinet or with Modbus® TCP over Ethernet.
- Configurable data output for simple interfacing, transmission in continuous mode or on request.
- Up to 8 freely configurable inputs and outputs.
- Available for the connection of external counters.